Shaw Family Foundation


Thank you to JR Shaw and the Shaw Family Foundation for your generosity and continued support. The Shaws first began their relationship with Hull Services in the late 1990s. Since then, the Shaws have remained committed in their support of Hull Services, including providing funding to build the Shaw Centre for Mental Health and Addictions on Hull’s SW campus, and for the initial launch of Pathways to Prevention in 2022. Overall, JR Shaw, the Shaw Family Foundation, and Shaw Communications have donated over $6 million to support the work of Hull Services.

Partnership History

In 2014, after recognizing the importance of prevention and early intervention, the Shaw Family Foundation generously contributed resources to help Pathways develop the groundbreaking brain science that we use in the care and healing of young people who have suffered trauma. JR Shaw recognized the value of Hull’s work with the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics and added a groundbreaking gift of $2.6 million to help launch, what was then called, the Centre for Excellence in Child and Youth Mental Health in 2009. This generous gift meant we could begin to realize our vision of building a place to train therapists, medical professionals, educators, and caregivers in our community and beyond. This level of collaboration means we have access to greater knowledge and resources that will allow us to find ways to address and mitigate the impact of trauma as early as possible. JR’s vision will always be honoured as part of Pathways to Prevention: A Centre for Childhood Trauma. 

In 2023, The Shaw Family Foundation donated a momentous gift to continue to fortify and advance our crucial work in creating a future free from developmental trauma. This monumental gift empowers us to scale our efforts, ensuring that our work in professional training, research, essential service delivery and advocacy in the field of childhood mental health can not only continue but flourish. 

A Tribute to JR Shaw

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