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2. Accepted Manuscript: Download the final version that was peer-reviewed and accepted for publication (the only thing missing is the publisher’s layout and type-setting).
3. Pre-print Manuscript: Download the version the authors submitted for publication. This is not the final version since it does not incorporate changes made during peer review.
Child and caregiver perspectives on implementing a transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for children impacted by trauma in a residential treatment setting. Lindenbach, D., Wang, E.Y., Scammell, J., O’Neill, T., Bennett, S., Mohammadi, F., Ehrenreich-May, J., Arnold, P.D., & Dimitropoulos, G. Under Revision.
Ecological momentary assessment for adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa and their parents/caregivers in family-based treatment. International Journal of Eating Disorders. Singh, M., Austin, M., Lindenbach, D., Vander Steen, H., Habina, C., Marcoux-Louie, G., Loeb, K., Engel, S., LeGrange, D. & Dimitropoulos, G. (2024).
The impact of reflective practice on the wellbeing and competency of supervisors and frontline staff in a non-profit community provider of mental health services for youth and families. Child & Youth Services, 1-23. Lindenbach, D., Dimitropoulos, G., Wood, V., Bainbridge, C., Anderson, A., Hervey, V., Arnold, P.D. & Wang, E.Y. (2024). Published manuscript (subscription required) Pre-print manuscript (free)
Confidence, training and barriers for Canadian law enforcement in cases of luring, sexual abuse and child sex abuse imagery. International Journal of Child Maltreatment, 7, 553-567. Fitts, A., Binford, W., Lindenbach, D. & Dimitropoulos, G. (2024). Published manuscript (free)
Feasibility and acceptability of implementing a transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for children impacted by trauma within a residential treatment facility. Child & Youth Services, 1-26. Lindenbach, D., Anderson, A., Wang, E., Heintz, M., Rowbotham, M., Ehrenreich-May, J., Arnold, P.D. & Dimitropoulos, G. (2024). Published manuscript (subscription required) Pre-print manuscript (free)
A qualitative study on the implementation of a transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for children in a child welfare residential treatment program. Child Abuse & Neglect, 146, 106487. Dimitropoulos, G., Lindenbach, D., Anderson, A., Rowbotham, M., Wang, E., Heintz, M., Ehrenreich-May, J. & Arnold, P.D. (2023). Published manuscript (free)
Feasibility and acceptability of a brief, online transdiagnostic psychotherapy for young adults. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 32(2): 111-125. Dimitropoulos, G., Lindenbach, D., Rowbotham, M., Devoe, D.J., Richardson, A., Mogan, T., Patten, S.B., Ehrenreich-May, J. & Arnold, P.D. (2023). Published manuscript (free)
The Well-Being of Youth with Complex Needs in Care Preparing to Transition to Adulthood. Child & Youth Services, 45(1), 77–94. McQuay, J., Wilcox, G., & Nordstokke, D. (2023). Published manuscript (subscription required)
Capacity, confidence and training of Canadian educators and school staff to recognize and respond to sexual abuse and internet exploitation of their students. Child Abuse & Neglect 112, 104898. Lindenbach, D., Cullen, O., Bhattarai, A., Perry, R., Diaz, R.L., Patten, S.B. & Dimitropoulos, G. (2021). Published manuscript (subscription required) Accepted manuscript (free)
Restraint and Critical Incident Reduction Following Introduction of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT). Hambrick, E. P., Brawner, T. W., Perry, B. D., Wang, E. Y., Griffin, G., DeMarco, T., … Strother, M. (2018). Residential Treatment For Children & Youth, 35(1), 2–23. Published manuscript (subscription required)
A Trauma-Informed Approach to the Unified Protocol for Children with Exposure to Child Maltreatment. In: Shenk, C.E. (eds) Innovative Methods in Child Maltreatment Research and Practice. Child Maltreatment Solutions Network. Springer, Cham. Gruen, R., Lindenbach, D., Arnold, P., Ehrenreich-May, J., Dimitropoulos, G. (2023). Published chapter (subscription required)
Understanding and Applying a Neurodevelopmental Approach in Residential Interventions. In Transforming Residential Interventions (pp. 197-234). Routledge. Lieberman, R. E., Champagne, T., Wang, E. Y., & Rushlo, K. (2020). Published chapter (subscription required)
The Neurosequential Model Approach: Integration and Practice Across Multiple Programs. Perry, E., Griffin, G., Maikoetter, M., Graner, S., Rosenfelt, J., Perry, B.D., Wang, E.Y. May 2018. Conference paper (kindle)
Push 2 Heal: Pilot Project Final evaluative report. 2022. Full report (free)
What does it mean to be trauma informed? Theory to Practice: Residential Care for Children and Youth, Special Edition #3. 2017. Article (free)
Lindenbach (Principal Investigator), Wang (Co-principal Investigator), Alama (Co-applicant), Bare Shin Bone (Co-applicant), Eagle Speaker (Co-applicant), Hervey (Co-applicant), O’Neill (Co-applicant), Pippus (Co-applicant), Sackett (Co-applicant), Somers (Co-applicant)
An Anonymous Donor, 2025 – 2027. $350,198
Lindenbach (Team Member)
University of Calgary Transdisciplinary Connector Grant. 2025. $17,000.
Lindenbach (Principal Investigator), Pippus (co-investigator)
Burns Memorial Fund for Children: Community Grant. 2024 – 2025. $14,980.
Lindenbach (Nominated Principal Applicant), Eagle Speaker (Principal Applicant), Sipos (Principal Applicant), Wang (Principal Applicant), O’Neill (Co-applicant), Scammel (Collaborator)
Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute: One Child Every Child Seedling Award. 2024 – 2026. $50,000.
Lindenbach (Project Holder), Wang (Principal Applicant)
University of Calgary Transdisciplinary Connector Grant. 2024. $17,000.
Lindenbach (Primary Organizational Supervisor), Wang (Organizational co-Supervisor)
Mitacs Accelerate. 2024 – 2026. $30,000.
Lindenbach (Primary Applicant), Pippus (Co-Applicant)
Parks Foundation Calgary Amateur Sport Grant. 2024 – 2025. $50,000.
Lindenbach (Co-applicant)
Canadian Consortium on Child & Youth Trauma Seed Grant. 2023-2024. $25,000.
Lindenbach (Co-applicant)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Catalyst Grant. 2023-2024. $199,960.
Lindenbach (Co-applicant)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Team Grant: Transitions in Care. 2022 – 2026. $960,000.
Sipos (Primary Applicant), Wang (Primary Applicant), Lindenbach (Co-applicant)
Government of Alberta Mental Health and Addiction COVID-19 Community Funding Application. 2020-2021. $48,000.
Lindenbach (Co-applicant), Wang (Co-applicant)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Grant. 2020-2027. $2,500,000.
Wang (Co-applicant)
An Anonymous Donor. 2019-2022. $450,000.